Moral Armor: eBook


Immediate Download: Moral Armor: The world’s first fully-integrated moral philosophy based on nature itself in a convenient, immediately downloadable format. Instantly gain a mental structure to prosper in life with the utmost clarity.



What price would you put on being certain about the moral implications of your every action? What peace of mind do you think it would lend? To that end, Moral Armor is just as it sounds: spiritual protection from the irrational, inconsistent and oppressive beliefs intertwined throughout our culture. With new precision, it topples ancient barriers to fulfillment in life and eliminates moral confusion, providing Man with the most potent form of certainty: moral clarity that is everyday useful. Moral Armor is the summation of over ten years spent filtering crucial world experience of good and evil through a deeply studied philosophical framework. The result defines explicitly and simply, their true identity, and the psychological motives driving the two sides. Its scope spans from personal motives and relationships to politics and international finance, uncovering how good and evil are extrapolated throughout the full range of human action. By revealing the true nature of good and evil, Moral Armor eliminates the stress, guilt, hesitation and fear typically associated to moral judgment. Through Moral Armor, you will acquire a spectacular moral power that once gained, you couldn’t imagine living without, and being clearly anchored to fact, will be good for all time.