Personal Development
Personal development books were my world in youth. Everything begins with one; the entity that lives, breathes, and perceives. We must see as clearly as possible, honing our life skills into an art form to actualize the highest version of ourselves possible. The better prepared we are, the easier our lives will be. We must learn to set sound, exciting goals, manage our time to get there in the most efficient ways possible, deal with difficult people and conduct ourselves with strength and honor, manage our emotions, and channel our fantasies into rational, achievable dreams. Socially, we must be in shape and know the dance before any choreography can be attempted. Here are some of my favorite guides to fulfillment.
Men on Strike!
Wow, finally a strong woman is standing up for men. I watched myself get steamrolled in kiddie court time and time again, facing a staff that was 95% female, and was still expecting a fair shake. I endured so much; and other men are faring no better. Time for change.
Racism and the Melting Pot in Question
Racism and the Melting Pot in Question There is perhaps no greater spiritual war or a more false endeavor than the pursuit of racial superiority. Those for racial solidarity lose their best to the torrent of capitalist freedom, were anyone can be anything they are...
Bad Business: Employers and Employees Acting Out
Bad Business: Employers and Employees Acting Out While a free system of exchange is what we should honor and preserve, history has recorded countless abuses inflicted when the Fear-driven gain control. All men in positions of authority work to actualize their own...
Arts that Leads to Atlantis
Arts that Leads to Atlantis We see the most moral controversy in the subject of art and entertainment, and rightly so. It is hard to describe the reactions we have to it, but our artistic likes and dislikes are very important. They show how we feel about human beings...
After years of philosophical introspection and application, I realized I could take it farther than Rand and Aristotle did. Moral Armor is the result; a ten year effort to define an all-life integrating moral philosophy based on nature itself.
Atlas Shrugged
My hat is off to the greatest philosopher of the 20th century. Together, I consider Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead to be more valuable than a college education, though the "capitalism" we presently endure is the exact opposite of what she extols. It's time for...
The Fountainhead
Ayn Rand offers the projection of an ideal man, chronicling the pitfalls and triumphs of Howard Roark from college age to fame as an architect. An immensely challenging book, it explores what happens when a man accepts nothing less than the best from himself and others.
Trump: The Art of the Deal
One of the best, most inspirational business books I have ever read. The Founding Fathers paved the way for us to achieve so much. Trump shocked the world and showed us all what is possible to every American as a result.
Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want — Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible
Brian Tracy is an encyclopedia of success. I trust him to provide a good foundation of what it takes to live your life efficiently in order to achieve whatever you want. It starts with figuring that out.
Master Your Time, Master Your Life: The Breakthrough System to Get More Results, Faster, in Every Area of Your Life
Time is something you can't get back, no matter how wealthy you become. Spend it wisely; Brian Tracy will help you with the best strategies for doing so.
The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich
Tim Ferris offers a whole different way of approaching life, integrating a new kind of entrepreneurship from what the internet has made possible. Few books offer a true paradigm shift; this is one of them.
Awaken the Giant Within : How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny!
It's hard to beat Tony Robbins for inspiring us to live at our best. He clears the way for you to take "massive action", and achieve at the height of your true abilities. He stays away from the subject of morality though; but that's fine. That's why I'm here.
Think And Grow Rich
Think in a constructive, purpose-driven way, and you will grow rich. Account for the pattern of cognition while doing so and the journey will be more fulfilling than you ever thought possible.
The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem: The Definitive Work on Self-Esteem by the Leading Pioneer in the Field
Nathaniel Branden was an understudy of Ayn Rand and an excellent thinker in his own rite. His work on self-esteem is clear, effective, and emotionally freeing.
Are You the One for Me?: Knowing Who’s Right and Avoiding Who’s Wrong
You don't have to be in a relationship to study up on romance; perhaps that's the best time. Let objectivity help you choose before you're blinded by love. Her approach to compatibility is a real eye opener.
Making Love Work – Create the Relationship You Deserve (5 Audio Cassettes, 2 Video Cassettes, 1 Personal Guidebook)
Dr. Barbara DeAngelis is my favorite romance counselor. I recommend finding and listening to all of her work. Her approach is realistic and compassionate; honest and down to earth. Can't go wrong.
Maverick: The Success Story Behind the World’s Most Unusual Workplace
Ricardo Semler is a Brazilian businessman who's approach to running a company astonishes me. He focuses on the maximum freedom of his people, even letting them set their own salaries. Get ready for shock, and as you read, remember that everything he's doing works....
The Seven-Day Weekend: Changing the Way Work Works
Ricardo Semler expands on his business approach which does away with "top-down" management. You can get more done with little stress if you trust your people to think for themselves. Everyone will enjoy their time at work more as well.
Coping with Difficult People: The Proven-Effective Battle Plan That Has Helped Millions Deal with the Troublemakers in Their Lives at Home and at Work
There are people out there you just can't get through to. It isn't a matter of defeat; you deal with them and move on as quickly as possible, dropping the negativity in the garbage as you depart. This will help.
A Chronic Moral Dilemma: Religion and Our Own Conscience, Part 1
A Chronic Moral Dilemma: Religion and Our Own Conscience, Part 1 Most people are far too decent for the morality they have been subjected to. When we contemplate how we live and how we affect others in the process, we want to be viewed positively. This is why many...
A Chronic Moral Dilemma: Religion and Our Own Conscience, Part 2
A Chronic Moral Dilemma: Religion and Our Own Conscience, Part 2 The Nature of Moral Leadership Higher concepts in reason are a derivation of walking the chain of knowledge, but ill religious concepts lead from nowhere to universal harmony, without stopping to ask...
A Chronic Moral Dilemma: Religion and Our Own Conscience, Part 3
A Chronic Moral Dilemma: Religion and Our Own Conscience, Part 3 Interpretation and Hypocrisy Religion has made hypocrites out of people with sincere motives—those who sought no contradictions—a tragic result for an honest effort. There are two ways to see everything,...
A Chronic Moral Dilemma: Religion and Our Own Conscience, Part 4
A Chronic Moral Dilemma: Religion and Our Own Conscience, Part 4 Jesus’s True Contribution Jesus was a man devoid of pretense. He had the mark of genius so rare in any time—someone who had reached full volitional consciousness—yet he had to depend on average minds to...
A Chronic Moral Dilemma: Religion and Our Own Conscience, Part 5
A Chronic Moral Dilemma: Religion and Our Own Conscience, Part 5 The Transformation of Christianity Most Americans consider themselves Christians, but they do many things Christ would not have done. He wasn’t excluding people right and left or shunning his enemies; he...