The Constitution: An Outdated Allegiance?
Just as science looks at subatomic particles where existence cannot be subdivided further, our Constitution respects the requirements of each individual life. Our Constitution bans force in all its forms. It decentralizes power and spreads it around—granting sovereignty to all men, seeing his mind and path as endlessly unique and clearing the way for that potential. It steps beyond the Submission/Domination Axis into what interaction should be among men, and holds them to it. It dissolves all class wars, as anyone can reach any level they are willing to strive for. It empowers everyone to manage their own affairs—showing belief in the people, not just in a leader—and puts in place rules to restrain the government so that the people are never at the mercy of one man’s promise. Our Constitution fixes what can rationally be fixed, and leaves fluid what must remain so. Due to this, for 300 years, men have had a stable environment in which to thrive.
Human energy is only safe where predation is disallowed by law. Only in America and other environments similar in design can there be great free enterprises, allowing a man’s energy to be open to the world and spread across a continent. It is only in the realm of legislation where predation is disconnected from sensate awareness and losses are sustained with no awareness of a danger—where specific victims are chosen without their knowledge or consent. Self-made man has gathered all the key variants of evil in social action, compiled throughout history to provide basic legal protection for every man’s benefit, called the Bill of Rights. It is such a document that states explicitly that the purpose of a government is to protect its people, an end to which all other intentions must yield.
The great rights of mankind must expressly be declared, whose honor must supersede all other governmental action or statutes if they are deemed by this standard unconstitutional. Its purpose in practice is to qualify power, to guard against legislative and executive abuses and protect would be prey against its predator. In all social realms, every man must be free to think, speak, and disseminate their ideas to those interested, by their own means. To do so, no peaceable gathering may be disallowed (or herded into free speech zones)—which is often a tactic to quell mass dissention. No governmental stand may be taken for a particular religion, religious persecution being the reason our settlers left England to begin with. As individuals can encounter others with violent intentions and officers cannot accompany every citizen, we retain the right to bear arms. This doesn’t keep people safe from tyranny as any third world country is evidence of; it is a street self-defense issue, but it certainly makes domination over the populace more difficult, and gives the people a chance if they decide enough is enough. We are protected from unreasonable search and seizure as probable cause must exist, with a warrant stating the specific illegalities sought. The confiscation of our property for public use without just compensation is disallowed. The Constitution forbids depravation of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. If we are accused of a crime, it guarantees us a speedy public trial by jury, for us to be informed of the accusation, and to be confronted by our accusers. It provides protection for the witnesses and provides us with legal counsel. We are granted jury trials in civil cases as well. Excessive bail, fines, and cruel and unusual punishments so well developed in the Middle Ages are all forbidden. These are all elements throughout history that men have suffered at the hands of Spirit Murderers, and with America as proof, men flourish without.
The Bush administration overrode the Constitution and brought all the evils of illegitimate government back with the Patriot Act, which was anything but patriotic. This legislation must be abolished and its outgrowths dismantled if we are to be free, safe, and secure into the future.
The overall sum of how Americans feel about their country can be seen in the elements of pride that citizens of any country would like to feel: 1) That our freedom of action is protected. 2) That respect is shown for our ability to think and remain sovereign. 3) The fairness with which our government treats all people, foreign and domestic. 4) The responsible use of force inside and outside of our country, guided by logical laws and forthright international agreements. 5) The protection our system provides, instead of the peril it could cause. 6) As a nation is just a large group of families, that our system fosters our best—in individuals and children—and doesn’t look to rob us of our freedoms. 7) That sound, mature, accountable men are in control, and are rewarded by the people for their integrity. To a great extent, this is what we have in America, which is a constant barometer of our civil virtues.
Still, it is a delusion, even as a patriot, to believe that Americans are a special race of men, somehow better than those on other continents. If there were no savage men here—eager to exploit and butcher others to take what they are incapable of securing by honorable means—such explicit protections would not be necessary. To combat this evil within, the Self-made Fathers of America made sure the Constitutional provisions were straight-forward and enforceable by the courts. It is further stated that the rights listed in the Constitution do not deny others retained by the people; in other words, the people come first. The rights of the individual must supersede the rights of any groups of men. A mind must always be free to determine its own course. It must be free to disengage the approach of others and dissent. As such, all men, regardless of social standing, race, origin, religion, sex, or age are guaranteed equal protection under the law. They may be punished only for legally defined offenses and taxed only by popular consent.
The government is not our master. It is our tool, to be used and defined as we see fit, evidenced by the nature of our Constitution. Our representatives in Congress should be the guardians of our fundamental premises. Their good or evil can be gauged by their legislative leanings relative to the Constitution’s initial intent.