The Mission: Political Revolution
The mission for us all is a permenant transfer of power back to the people. There are all sorts of laws in America to keep us in line, but virtually none when it comes to the elites. They are in effect, above the law. Every conspiracy beyond bank robbery must simply be the ravings of a lunatic (as far as the media they own is concerned)! No one at the upper levels would do such things, so there’s no reason to investigate or even consider it possible… but readers and researchers know better. We do have ways to fight back: Boycotts. Exposing those involved. But often such paths are as dangerous for the innocent as they are for the guilty and powerful. With so many first hand and professional accounts revealing their darkness, we must find effective ways to hold those in power perpetually accountable. Here are some thoughts on doing just that.
What Would American Socialism Look Like?
What Would American Socialism Look Like? The Socialist Utopia What would life look like if America turned socialist? In a socialist economy, you don’t peruse a coffee isle with many brands to choose from; you get a paper sack of dirt and beans with COFFEE written on...
Responsible Politicians: Is there such a thing?
Responsible Politicians: Is there such a thing? The affairs of a country are not unlike the affairs of a major corporation, and of course the most important issue of peacetime prosperity is solvency and sound financial management. We need politicians who can...
Clean Government: Does Capitalism Qualify?
Clean Government: Does Capitalism Qualify? “It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government.” —Thomas Paine What do we want from our government? First of all, a safe, secure environment; a sound base from which we can build and grow. We...
The Care and Feeding of Freedom: Reclaiming Our Destiny in a World of Confusion
My contribution to inform and arm the people to unite against what seems an insurmountable evil. We struggle with debilitating guidance to become self-sufficient while the corrupt rich conspire to take it all away. Let's take control back.
War on the Middle Class: How the Government, Big Business, and Special Interest Groups Are Waging War on the American Dream and How to Fight Back
Lou Hobbs offers a host of legal methods to fight the corrupt rich in our society. A civilized and patient approach to reform, if you have the patience.
Rights of Man, Common Sense, and Other Political Writings (Oxford World’s Classics)
A fundamental treatise on human rights, which served as the foundation for the American justice system. No amount of intellectual poison taught in schools can overcome the scintillating nature of this work.
Benjamin Franklin: Autobiography, Poor Richard, and Later Writings (Library of America)
The world's most honest man. I couldn't be more thankful that there's someone like Benjamin Franklin to contemplate, and model my life and conduct after.
Lies the Government Told You: Myth, Power and Deception in American History Unabridged Edition by Napolitano, Andrew P published by SpringWater (2010)
Judge Napolitano has railed against the evils of government indiscretions and secrecy--on TV, news programs, and in books. It has cost him his position in the major media, but he has served the people well.
It Is Dangerous to Be Right When the Government Is Wrong: The Case for Personal Freedom
Judge Napolitano does damage and draws blood from the enemies of freedom--my kind of guy--and he does it with the kind of intelligence, honor, and bravery most individuals who have reached his level of responsibility lack.
Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir
Sibel Edmonds exposes the callous incompetence of our government's efforts to stem terrorism through the age old government curmudgeon mentality pervading the intelligence organizations set up after 9/11.
William Shakespeare: The Complete Collection (Centaurus Classics) [37 Plays + 160 Sonnets + 5 Poetry Books + 150 Illustrations]
Shakespeare explores a wealth of political evils in so artistic a manner, there's less shock in being blindsided by it in real life. His descriptive power offers invaluable insight into society's worst traits and into our best as well.
The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
Currency control has changed hands eight times since our country's inception. Each time it has been run into the ground by a group of power hungry, greedy individuals hell bent on world domination. This describes the origin of our current system.
The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
How do you think America deals with other countries? Is it all about the spread of freedom and moral ideals; free elections, free people, and sound civil structures for the benefit of all? Think again.
Population Control: How Corporate Owners Are Killing Us
Study long enough and a clear pattern emerges of the corrupt elite's intent to murder everyone who is not in their club. They own the two biggest killers of Man, and are busy accelerating their depopulation agenda. Ignorance is not bliss.
Socialism for America: Why Not?
Socialism for America: Why Not? There has been a resurgence of this governing concept since the economic collapse; it has grown in popularity with the young as they run from one evil they’ve seen in practice towards another they haven’t, so we need to understand its...
Antitrust and Centralized Control
Antitrust and Centralized Control Antitrust legislation permits the government to bring charges against any business pricing higher, lower, or equal to their competition. Are eyebrows appropriately raised? Pricing higher is considered gouging. Pricing lower is...
Endless Internal Revenue
Endless Internal Revenue today’s world, you would be hard pressed to find anyone expecting to see the day when income taxes are abolished. Barely anyone would entertain the serious possibility of ridding ourselves of it, even though our government already collects...
Politics and Internal Corruption
Politics and Internal Corruption In a perfect world, we can trust our leaders. Those running the government should be as fully accountable as the citizens they serve; they shouldn’t also be tied to huge corporations privately benefiting from every policy decision. We...
Lice and Lobbies
Lice and Lobbies The Fear-driven wish to force their betters to provide what nature cannot give them: guarantees. Irrational lobbies are the con man’s equivalent of the Self-made’s patent, copyright, and trademark. In such forms as subsidies and charters, they attempt...
Term Limits
Term Limits We have all heard of catastrophic government waste, but often it isn’t premeditated; many politicians have no inkling of sound living patterns. They believe government is all powerful and can provide anything they ask, like a rich kid who has everything...
Free Elections
Free Elections “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything." —Joseph Stalin Voting shenanigans have been a part of the political process since voting was invented. After LBJ won his Senate race in 1948, it was found...
Campaign Finance Reform
Campaign Finance Reform A grotesque distortion of justice was perpetrated in the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling, equating a corporation with an individual. It claimed that any limits on political advertising were unconstitutional as this would bar free...
What Does Honest Capitalism Really Look Like?
What Does Honest Capitalism Really Look Like? Not all enterprises are evil: in fact, most are not, as Self-made Man forms organizations, too. Many moral lessons can be learned by studying America’s finest corporations. They are the perfect example of men uniting in...
Sound Institutions
Sound Institutions In a speech, Abraham Lincoln said “So far as possible, the people everywhere shall have that sense of perfect security, which is most favorable to calm thought and reflection.” This is the highest goal of Self-made Man; true peace on Earth. It has...